Coach and Therapist in Conversation: Our Clients’ Mental Health and Our Capacity to Support It
When: May 12, 2021 7:00-8:00 pm
Where: Virtual Webinar
AGP therapist, Colette Brown, will join The International Coach Federation this Wednesday in a discussion on how we, as coaches, understand the space we can coach in, and when and how we should refer our client to a therapist. This event is geared for coaches, therapists and anyone in a mental health related profession.
As practitioners who often work with a "Whole Person” approach, we may at times enter into emotional territory with a client in which we feel that that client would benefit from the support of a therapist. Below are some points that will be discussed:
What are the critical signs that indicate that a client is in need of mental health services and what is the right time and way to make a referral?
How do we assess our own level of skill at coaching a client through an emotionally challenging event vs. knowing when we should refer out?
How do we effectively and responsibility coach our clients through sadness, loss and grief?
How do we, as coaches, determine the limitations of our skills?
How do we become more aware of when our own stress levels and responses may be influencing our ability to assess or intervene in the best way possible for our clients?