A Letter From Our Founder: Coronavirus Prevention Measures for the AGP Community
Author: Kerrie Mohr
As a member of the AGP community, your health and wellness is our first priority. As citizens of a larger, global community, our hearts go out to those directly impacted by Coronavirus. At home in NYC, we’re doing our best to maintain a loving and grounding space for those whose anxiety is heightened due to the spread of the virus.
What we’re doing to create a safe space in the office:
While there’s no shortage of information being circulated (some more reliable than others), we continue to monitor the spread of the Coronavirus and are keeping an eye on official information, including guidelines published by the CDC. Should emergency directives be issued, we will take appropriate action as indicated by government officials.
Our amazing housekeeper, Marlen.
We continue to take proactive, preventive measures to protect the office environment against exposure to the virus. Our office is thoroughly and lovingly cleaned by our AGP housekeeper Marlen (pictured right). We are now disinfecting all high touch surfaces and door handles daily.
What we’re doing to create a safe space as community members:
Just like you, our therapists opt for Telehealth (phone/video) sessions when we’re not feeling 100%. We’re also taking the following precautions and hope you’ll join us to:
Maintain the health and hygiene practices that keep us healthy and strengthen our immune systems against this virus.
Wash our hands frequently for at least 20 seconds (We have a sink in our waiting area for staff and client use!)
Sneeze and cough into our elbow or a tissue.
Give extra care to our immune systems by increasing our self-care (Ex. prioritizing sleep and exercise).
Stay home if we’re sick and offer clients Telehealth sessions.
Telehealth Services at AGP
If you’d like to explore the option of Telehealth sessions using a HIPAA secure online portal, call your insurance company and ask ask whether they will cover Outpatient mental health in an office setting using our Telehealth platform, called Doxy. Please note, We are not affiliated with any select provider platforms such as LiveHealthOnline, Teladoc, etc. Your insurance provider may ask for the following information:
Tax ID #815204468
NPI #1033645270
If you’re currently a client and would like to explore Telehealth, please contact your therapist directly or our reception team at 212-227-4343 or reception@agoodplacetherapy.com.
Resources We Recommend:
As we’re inundated with information, it can be hard to discern which sources are reliable. Equally challenging, much of what we read increases our collective anxiety. Here are some wonderful articles for you and your loved ones to help keep things in perspective.
"Media, Fear, and the Coronavirus Outbreak" featured in Psychology Today
Dr. Robert Schachter, a leading CBT NYC based Psychologist is quoted in this Rolling Stone article.
"Our Brains on Coronavirus" featured in Psychology Today
“5 Ways to Manage Anxiety Around the Coronavirus” by The Team at Zencare
As new updates are released, we’ll be sure you update our community members. Remember, the AGP Team is here with you and for you.