Take steps to feel better
about yourself.

About Self Esteem
You may have low self-esteem and lack self-confidence as a result of things that have happened to you in the past, or due to the ways you've internalized messages directed at you early on in life. Low self-esteem is often connected to perfectionism, and your idea of how you "should" be and all the ways you "fall short." The good news is that once you become aware of low self-esteem, you can take steps to raise it and feel better about yourself. Drawing on the theories of Self-Compassion from Kristen Neff's research, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and Brené Brown's work on vulnerability, we will identify the negative self-talk, beliefs, and behaviors that reinforce your low self-esteem. We can learn to evaluate and challenge our thinking and belief systems that contribute to low self esteem. We will also learn about ways to change unhealthy behaviors that keep us stuck in the negativity loop. A key goal is also to help you learn to expect and embrace challenges and disappointments so you can better cope with them.
Self Esteem Specialists